Tagged: Approach


Approach – Tracing to Understand the Notional Machine

Summary of Approach The process a computer goes through when executing a section of code is manually stepped through by the learner in order to understand how it will work and what the expected output should be. Keypoints Just showing a visualisation of a piece of...


Approach – Worked Examples

Summary of Approach Computing Scientists must be able to solve problems efficiently. Often, problems are very complicated. Computing Scientists can quickly suffer from cognitive overload. Kinnunen & Simon researched the effect of programming assignments on students. Students were asked to talk about their experience of completing...


Approach – Parson’s Puzzles

Summary of Approach The principle behind Parson’s puzzles is to provide students with a selection of jumbled up code fragments that they can rearrange to solve the puzzle. This approach allows learners to focus on how to compose program code to solve a particular problem...


Approach – Peer Instruction in Computing Science

Summary of Approach Peer Instruction (PI) is an active learning technique, from the “flip-teaching” stable.  It helps the teacher make best use of their time with students, in particular enabling them to highlight and correct particular student alternative conceptions. Benefits of Peer Instruction One of the...


Approach – Alternative Conceptions

Summary of Approach Alternative Conceptions Presentation—PLAN C ProjectDocs.com Pupils can have preconceptions or misunderstandings about computing science concepts.  They may have developed these elsewhere or may have missed or misinterpreted a teaching point in class. These may not be mistakes but instead are alternative conceptions. Pupils...


Approach – Unplugged Computing

Summary of Approach Office Mix goes here Unplugged computing is a form of kinaesthetic, or tactile, learning in which learning takes place by the students carrying out physical activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstrations. In Computing Science these activities usually give an overview of...